What I'm about
I believe technology is a strong means of delivering change in people's lives for the better.
I am a passionate technologist that is driven by the challenge of learning new design patterns and development methodologies.
Always striving to better my technology proficiency and business acumen by following Agile practices and SOLID principles.
Looking for opportunities within front-end web development or backend infrastructure projects.
Studied Computer Science at
St Andrews University. Graduated in June 2014 with BSc (Hons) Upper Second Class.
As part of Barclays' Digital Eagles
I helped kids learn to code. I've also mentored young coders with
Young Rewired State and Coderdojo.
Proud to have worked with some of the best technical teams out there, both in the workplace and at hackathons around the country. See my LinkedIn page for more.
Stuff I'm proud of

Silicon Valley comes to UK
I was part of a team of finalists, shortlisted above 850 other teams, in this national competition judged by representatives from Silicon Valley companies. Our team created a product called 'eyeSore' which aimed to empower local communities to act on problem issues and come together.

Presenting at Battlehack NYC
I worked over two days in Visual Studio bootcamped on my Macbook Air to develop a NFC (Near-field Communication) enabled social app, Linkupp, picking up the prize for 'Best use of Windows Phone'.

Saltire Scholar 2013
Part of a hundred strong cohort representing Scottish interests abroad courtesy of the Saltire Foundation. Offered a scholarship to work at one of the world's largest insurance firms, AIG.

Hacking the City
The aim of our project was to enable the creation and validation of safe buildings that have optimal escape routes in the event of disasters.
Through the use of pathfinding algorithms, building floor plans can be analysed and improvements can be made to aid in relief efforts during emergencies.